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Heavy Lifting Injury

Heavy Lifting Injury

Helping you in a Time of Need

One of the most common reasons for absence from work is due to suffering from a bad back often caused by heavy lifting. However, far too many employers continue to provide unsafe work environments, often ignoring their own rules prioritising profit over safety.
Some common examples:

  • Not providing lifting equipment or telling employees to manually lift when this is broken
  • Making employees lift single weights that are far too heavy to be carried by one or more people
  • Having to lift a patient by yourself
  • Unloading unsafely packed deliveries or overly heavy loads
  • Making someone repeatedly lift for hours without a break


Start Your Claim Today

If you are looking to make a claim, contact our expert team today for a strictly confidential, free consultation, to discuss whether you might have a case and how we can help.

Compensation you Deserve

Too often injuries occur because an employer or supervisor is rushing to complete a job or keep production going and disregards safe working practices.
Back injuries are commonplace but so are shoulder injuries, hernias, sprained wrists or knees.

Employers are obliged to take account of individual lifting capacities and respond to complaints about problems with loads, but often continue to instruct employees to work on, leading to injury.

Telephone us or use the contact form to make an initial free enquiry about your heavy lifting claim.

    Heavy Lifting Injury

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    0161 480 4488
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