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Work Premises Injuries

Work Premises Injuries

Support with a Range of Injuries

We all spend a lot of time at our place of work, whether this is a single office or factory, going from site to site, or going to visit clients at their homes or place of work. All employers are under a duty to consider the risks that their employees face and take steps to keep people safe when at work.

How often in offices do employers not provide proper storage so boxes are left across traffic routes and then employees are blamed for tripping over? What about a door that gets stuck and need to be forced open leading to a shoulder injury, or the door that slams shut chopping off a fingertip?


Start Your Claim Today

If you are looking to make a claim, contact our expert team today for a strictly confidential, free consultation, to discuss whether you might have a case and how we can help.

Fair Compensation for Negligence

What about the potholes in the floor that you have to remember to avoid every day, but nobody even fixes? If you are being sent to work elsewhere, what has your employer done to make sure that you are safe from injury or harm?

Our accidents at work specialists have experience of dealing with all of the above and many other accidents due to unsafe work locations, whether in an office, a factory, out in a field, or visiting clients at their homes. Regardless of the location, your employer is under a duty to take reasonable steps to keep you safe.

Any accident at work can lead to serious injury, lost wages, and sometimes long-standing disability. Contact us to get the best advice on how to make a claim.
Telephone us or use the contact form to make an initial free enquiry about your work premises claim.

    Work Premises Injury - Office Accident

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