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A Selection of Road Traffic Accident Small Claims Outcomes

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Personal Injury Claims

Compensation Paid

Client Confidential


Road Traffic Accidents

In 2022 the government effectively ended the ability for injured parties to be able to reclaim their legal costs following the majority of road traffic accidents. By making these matters subject to the Small Claims Track recoverable costs were limited to no more than £100. The stated intention was to allow injured parties to represent themselves, with the costs savings to be passed on to motorists by means of reduced car insurance premiums.

However, not only has there been no evidence of reduced premiums, but we have seen evidence of insurers making grossly unreasonable offers.

With the benefit of legal representation, although we must make a deduction from compensation to cover our costs and expenses, our clients are regularly achieving significantly higher awards at final hearings which they do not need to attend.

Some examples of claims that have gone to final hearings in the last few months:
One insurer is notorious for making insultingly low offers. They offered just £50 for an injury to the wrist, and we recovered almost £2,000.

In different matters insurers offered £1,250 for injuries to the hips, knees, and legs, and we were awarded almost £4,000, and where they offered £840 for injuries to the knees and elbow, where we were awarded in excess of £3,000.

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