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Accident abroad during course of employment – settled in 2023

Case Details


Overseas Worker

Compensation Paid



Accident Abroad


Time Taken

12 Months

Our client contacted us in relation to an accident which he suffered when his employers sent him to work abroad in an EU country. He suffered crush injuries to his arm, which although they recovered well, he was left with permanent scars to his arm. Matters were complicated by the Claimant’s employers being incorporated in the USA.

In spite of the complications arising from the usage of complicated machinery in a foreign country, and the parent company being based in America, we managed to secure an admission of liability in full for our client.

We managed to negotiate a settlement for him, though finding a UK-company linked to his employers, without the need for court proceedings and all within 12 months of receiving instructions to proceed. We recovered in excess of £10,000 to cover the injuries, the scarring, and reduced earnings during the period of recovery.

I was scared to take my employers to court over my injury sustained while I was working on placement in the EU, but Clarity helped me to break everything down and track down the UK arm of my US head office to help me achieve the outcome I was after.


Happy Client

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