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Car accident with funding of surgery and ongoing support – Settled in 2023

Case Details


Member of the Public

Compensation Paid



Road Traffic Accident


Time Taken

12 Months

In 2019 our client was involved in what appeared to be a routine road traffic accident. Our client was initially expected to recover within just 6 months of the accident and treatment was arranged to help with this. Unfortunately, her recovery did not proceed as was hoped, so we took the time to understand her ongoing concerns and arranged an examination with an Orthopaedic Surgeon.

Surgery was recommended, and we obtained an interim payment to allow this to go ahead on a private basis. Even following the surgery there were recommendations for follow-up treatment which we ensured were also funded privately to maximise the chance of as full a recovery as possible. We continued to monitor recovery and issued court proceedings so that the claim could continue with us providing assistance with their ongoing recovery.

Following such treatment, although our client had recovered well thanks to the surgery we had arranged, she was left with residual symptoms impacting on her ability to carry out gardening, DIY and heavier chores. We secured a settlement of £50,000 without the need for a trial.

Even after settlement we made arrangement for the client’s damages to be paid into a trust fund so to preserve her entitlement to state benefits. Past state benefits and hospital charges would have been refunded by the responsible insurers.

I didn’t know where to turn. It took a long time for me to recover after a serious accident and Clarity helped me to seek expert help and managed to get me the compensation that will support my ongoing health challenges.


Happy Client

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