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Compensation for Fall When Walking on Logs

Case Details


Teacher on School Trip

Compensation Paid

CLient Confidential


Accident Claims

In 2022 our client was visiting a museum with a woodland visitor area. She was supervising a group of children and they were situated in a play and education area which had a circle of large, flat logs designed for informal seating and use. Our client stood on the logs as part of telling a story, however, 1 tipped and caused her to fall and suffer facial injuries.

Liability was firmly denied, however, we obtained documents from the visitor centre regarding the inspection and maintenance of the area. These documents revealed that the logs should have been inspected on a daily basis to ensure that they will safe for use, however, there was no record of them being inspected for months prior to the accident. When they were inspected after the accident, a number were found to be defective and they were removed.

Regardless, the insurers still disputed liability and court proceedings were issued. After we issued proceedings, the insurers made an offer to settle and we reached a compromise settlement in 1 month.

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