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Road traffic accident – settlement far in excess of insulting offer – settled in 2023

Case Details



Compensation Paid



Road Traffic Accident


Time Taken

6 Months

Under the new Whiplash reforms the compensation for soft tissue injuries to the neck, back, and shoulders that recover in less than 2 years are fixed by tariff. However, the reforms made it clear that other injuries should still be settled on the basis of the previously set guidance and decided case law.

In spite of it being insurance companies who pushed for such reforms to reduce the amount of injury compensation, some insurers have been exploiting the rules and offering insulting offers. In this case, we issued court proceedings. The insurers had offered just £90 for the other, non-tariff injuries. We took the matter to a hearing, which was determined on the papers alone without the need for our client to attend, and the Judge awarded compensation of £1,100.

When my insurers offered me just £90 in compensation for the severe whiplash that I had suffered in a car accident I decided to seek professional advice. Clarity were able to take the case to a hearing which resulted in a payout of £1,100 which I have been able to put towards physiotherapy.


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