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Pressure Sore Claim

Pressure Sore Claim

Negligence in Care 

Pressure sores, also known as pressure ulcers or bedsores, can develop when an individual remains in the same position for an extended period without shifting their weight. Neglectful care in healthcare settings, particularly in hospitals or nursing homes, can contribute to the development of pressure sores. Here’s how neglectful care can lead to pressure sores and ulcers:

  • Lack of repositioning: One of the primary causes of pressure sores is prolonged pressure on specific areas of the body, such as bony prominences (e.g., heels, hips, sacrum). Patients who are bedridden or immobile require regular repositioning to relieve pressure on vulnerable areas. Neglectful care may involve failure to reposition patients at regular intervals, leading to prolonged pressure and tissue damage.
  • Inadequate nutrition and hydration: Proper nutrition and hydration are essential for maintaining skin integrity and preventing pressure ulcers. Neglectful care may involve failure to provide adequate nutrition or hydration to patients, leading to malnourishment and dehydration, which can weaken the skin and increase the risk of pressure sore development.


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Fair Compensation for Negligence

  • Poor hygiene: Maintaining good hygiene is crucial for preventing skin breakdown and infection. Neglectful care may involve failure to keep patients clean and dry, leading to skin irritation, maceration, and increased susceptibility to pressure sore formation.
  • Inadequate wound care: Once pressure sores develop, proper wound care is essential for preventing infection and promoting healing. Neglectful care may involve failure to assess and treat pressure sores promptly, leading to worsened wound conditions, infection, and delayed healing.
  • Failure to provide appropriate support surfaces: Patients at risk for pressure sores require supportive surfaces such as specialized mattresses, cushions, or overlays to redistribute pressure and reduce the risk of tissue damage. Neglectful care may involve failure to provide or properly use supportive surfaces, increasing the risk of pressure sore development.
  • Lack of education and training: Healthcare providers responsible for the care of immobile or bedridden patients must receive adequate education and training on pressure sore prevention and management. Neglectful care may involve a lack of awareness or understanding of best practices for pressure sore prevention and treatment.

Pressure sores can cause significant pain, discomfort, and complications for patients, including infection, tissue necrosis, and in severe cases, systemic infection, or sepsis. Healthcare facilities and providers have a duty of care to prevent pressure sore development through attentive and proactive measures, regular assessment, and appropriate interventions. Instances of neglectful care resulting in pressure sores may warrant investigation and may lead to legal action to hold responsible parties accountable for their actions or lack thereof.

    Care Home Pressure Sore Claim

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