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Faulty Products

Faulty Products

Product Safety Support

Accidents involving faulty products can range from a simple cut caused by a sharp piece of metal that was not properly guarded through to serious burns caused by electrocution or chemical burns.

There is legislation in place to protect consumers against faulty products, no matter how much a responsible company may seek to argue otherwise. Commonly you might think to try and contact the responsible company directly to see if they will deal with you in a reasonable manner, however, too often this results in evidence being lost and time being wasted in dealing with a company that will hide behind its customer services team.

Start Your Claim Today

If you are looking to make a claim, contact our expert team today for a strictly confidential, free consultation, to discuss whether you might have a case and how we can help.

Support UK and non-UK Manufacturer Claims

Most of the time the fault will be apparent, but where this is not the case, we have links with suitable experts who can prepare a report to confirm the relevant safety standards and how the product in question has fallen below the required level.

We have practical experience of pursuing claims in the UK courts even with items produced outside of the jurisdiction.

Telephone us or use the contact form to make an initial free enquiry about your product liability claim.

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